• Journal of Internet Computing and Services
    ISSN 2287 - 1136 (Online) / ISSN 1598 - 0170 (Print)

Specificity and Commitment: UX approach to Netflix

Joon Suk Hwang, Youngjoon Cheon, Kyu Tae Kwak, Journal of Internet Computing and Services, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 127-136, Dec. 2017
10.7472/jksii.2017.18.6.127, Full Text:
Keywords: Specificity, Netflix, Commitment, Transaction Cost Economics(TCE), User Experience(UX)


The strategy that using data collection from Netflix uses for its services is different from traditional human interaction and the communication, and it is represented by the systematic algorithm that rooted from intelligent information system based on the human interaction and communication. These characteristics allowed the study to reflect the influence of 'Asset specificity' which affects the continuous consumption of the media services of Netflix users through economic psychological analysis based on transactional cost economics. The result from the survey on actual Netflix users, three types of specificity (Space specificity, time specificity, relational specificity) reduced perceived searching cost whereas perceived instrumentality has increased, eventually reinforces the commitment to the service. This implies that the service characteristics of Netflix, trying to communicate with the individuals based on intelligent information system are distinct from the existing platform services and it gives the significance of work very effective for user's continuous consumption of the media services.

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[APA Style]
Hwang, J., Cheon, Y., & Kwak, K. (2017). Specificity and Commitment: UX approach to Netflix. Journal of Internet Computing and Services, 18(6), 127-136. DOI: 10.7472/jksii.2017.18.6.127.

[IEEE Style]
J. S. Hwang, Y. Cheon, K. T. Kwak, "Specificity and Commitment: UX approach to Netflix," Journal of Internet Computing and Services, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 127-136, 2017. DOI: 10.7472/jksii.2017.18.6.127.

[ACM Style]
Joon Suk Hwang, Youngjoon Cheon, and Kyu Tae Kwak. 2017. Specificity and Commitment: UX approach to Netflix. Journal of Internet Computing and Services, 18, 6, (2017), 127-136. DOI: 10.7472/jksii.2017.18.6.127.