• Journal of Internet Computing and Services
    ISSN 2287 - 1136 (Online) / ISSN 1598 - 0170 (Print)

A Study on Success Strategies for Generative AI Services in Mobile Environments: Analyzing User Experience Using LDA Topic Modeling Approach

Soyon Kim, Ji Yeon Cho, Sang-Yeol Park, Bong Gyou Lee, Journal of Internet Computing and Services, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 109-119, Aug. 2024
10.7472/jksii.2024.25.4.109, Full Text:
Keywords: Generative AI Chatbot Service, On-Device AI, IS success model, User eXperience, LDA Topic Modeling


This study aims to contribute to the initial research on on-device AI in an environment where generative AI-based services on mobile and other on-device platforms are increasing. To derive success strategies for generative AI-based chatbot services in a mobile environment, over 200,000 actual user experience review data collected from the Google Play Store were analyzed using the LDA topic modeling technique. Interpreting the derived topics based on the Information System Success Model (ISSM), the topics such as tutoring, limitation of response, and hallucination and outdated informaiton were linked to information quality; multimodal service, quality of response, and issues of device interoperability were linked to system quality; inter-device compatibility, utility of the service, quality of premium services, and challenges in account were linked to service quality; and finally, creative collaboration was linked to net benefits. Humanization of generative AI emerged as a new experience factor not explained by the existing model. By explaining specific positive and negative experience dimensions from the user's perspective based on theory, this study suggests directions for future related research and provides strategic insights for companies to improve and supplement their services for successful business operations.

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[APA Style]
Kim, S., Cho, J., Park, S., & Lee, B. (2024). A Study on Success Strategies for Generative AI Services in Mobile Environments: Analyzing User Experience Using LDA Topic Modeling Approach. Journal of Internet Computing and Services, 25(4), 109-119. DOI: 10.7472/jksii.2024.25.4.109.

[IEEE Style]
S. Kim, J. Y. Cho, S. Park, B. G. Lee, "A Study on Success Strategies for Generative AI Services in Mobile Environments: Analyzing User Experience Using LDA Topic Modeling Approach," Journal of Internet Computing and Services, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 109-119, 2024. DOI: 10.7472/jksii.2024.25.4.109.

[ACM Style]
Soyon Kim, Ji Yeon Cho, Sang-Yeol Park, and Bong Gyou Lee. 2024. A Study on Success Strategies for Generative AI Services in Mobile Environments: Analyzing User Experience Using LDA Topic Modeling Approach. Journal of Internet Computing and Services, 25, 4, (2024), 109-119. DOI: 10.7472/jksii.2024.25.4.109.